Sunday, May 5

Sunday, May 5

North 28° 24.595'
West 112° 51.472'
Distance: 14.1 miles

We paddled 14.1 miles today. Last night around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning the wind died down. As soon as that happened the bugs came back. I got my sheet out and covered up. Jay got bit on the butt by a bunch of no-see-ems. It also got cloudy, damp, and warm. This morning I got up, got packed and got into the water as quickly as I could. Jay stayed for about 20 more minutes while I drifted with the tide and waited for him. He said that after I left the wind picked back up a little and the bugs were OK after that. We paddled uneventfully to Punta Ballena. Jay predicted two and a half hours to make the crossing and I guessed three and a half to four hours. Jay was closest at two hours and forty five minutes. When we got to land Jay packed as much as he wanted of the stash and we re-hid the rest of it. I took a GPS position at 28° 26.055' North and 112° 50.861' West. The position is just southeast of the lighthouse on a very landable beach by a very old and large Cordon cactus. It is about 10' toward the ocean from the cactus base. We saw some whales from land once we had done that and before we took off for San Francisquito. San Francisquito is a nice place. I would hardly call it a resort, but it has food, showers - hot ones!, Beer, and little semi-cabins for rent. We spent the rest of the day eating, drinking, bathing, reading, and just sitting in the shade. There is a bit of wind which is good for chasing the little flies away. I kinda miss the cockroaches!


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